Thursday, October 6, 2011

Accountant placed on probation for cab company fraud in murder case -

Syracuse, NY - The accountant for a local cab company was sentenced today to five years' probation for his role in a scheme that allowed the family of a murdered taxi driver to receive death benefits to which they were not entitled.

Vincent Kukys, 66, of Sunnycrest Road, Syracuse, pleaded guilty in July to charges of first-degree offering a false instrument for filing and workers' compensation fraud.

He was accused of providing false documentation to the state Insurance Fund and false testimony before a workers' compensation board that Timothy Gordon was an employee of Century Transportation & Taxi.

Gordon, 29, of Carbon Street, actually was an employee of Yellow Taxi Co. when he was shot and killed by a fare during a robbery in January 2009.

Both cab companies are owned by Frank Manzi. But Yellow Taxi did not have workers' compensation insurance and Century did, according to authorities. The false information from Kukys allowed workers' compensation death benefits to be paid to Gordon's family after his murder.

Authorities said an investigation showed Gordon was added to the Century payroll records after his death.

Kukys also was ordered to pay restitution.


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