Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Accountant struck off for breaching ASBO - This is london Calling

Accountant struck off for breaching ASBO

An elderly accountant was removed from a professional membership body for breaching an anti-social behaviour order (ASBO).

Roger Gloucester-Trotman, 73, was fined �1000 and excluded from membership of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) after a disciplinary hearing.

The action was taken after he was convicted on September 4 2009 at Croydon Crown court of breaching an ASBO stopping him harassing Jo-Anne Davies, a woman who lived in Cowper Avenue, Carshalton, close to his office in Westmead Road.

A formal complaint was referred to the ICAEW's standards board.

He was found to have committed an act or default likely to bring discredit on himself, the Institute or the profession of accountancy.

The board took into account his disciplinary record, including being reprimanded and fined in December 2001 for making threats and questioning he competence of another advisor, and being severely disciplined and fined �2000 in July 2008 for breaching ASBOs on three occasions.

Mr Trotman appeared at Croydon Magistrates' Court last month accused of further breaching his restraining order and anti-social behaviour order preventing him harassing Mrs Davies.

Mr Trotman's son, a property developer, killed himself in Cowper Avenue in May 2010 after gassing himself in a manhole while embroiled in a legal dispute with his former partner.

Ian Trotman, 41, sealed himself inside the drain near his workshop. He was found inside with an angle-grinder, a petrol can and towels.

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